Tanner Fletcher, named for the cofounders Tanner Richie and Fletcher Kessel, seeks to make genderless clothing design the norm with clothing inspired by past eras. The designers and couple launched the brand in 2020 as a way to reflect their own identities and experiences shopping in both the men’s and women’s sections growing up. This led to the development of an in-house sizing system that is designed to fit bodies regardless of gender. The foundation of the brand’s design language is inspired in parts by the interior design and fashion of the 60’s and 70’s. This is clear in both the fun-forward and playful presentation of the collections, as well as the materials utilized in their construction. Sofa-inspired jacquard pants, textured floral knits, and silk separates blend vintage patterns and fabrics with updated silhouettes. The addition of homeware allows the brand to build a lifestyle that is inspired by the past but looking toward the future of the industry.