Yeezy V2 Raffle - A Coding Experience by Notre

Published June 22, 2017

In an attempt to shed light on people and organizations that Notre believes in, we have created a one of a kind in-store coding experience for the release of the latest adidas Yeezy V2 'Zebra' focusing on the work of the Black Girls CODE organization, 

To enter the raffle, each participant is first required to buy a raffle t-shirt (all proceeds going to Black Girls CODE) Along with the t-shirt, the participant receives a coding manual that contains instructions on how to use code to generate their random raffle number. Once they have their t-shirts, participants are given an iPad and tasked with creating their own code. With the help of the provided coding manual, they must follow the step-by-step directions and write ten lines of real code adding in their own personal information in order to complete the code and generate a random raffle number. That number is then written on the front of their raffle t-shirt and will serve as their raffle ticket for the Yeezy V2 'Zebra' drawing on June 24th.


If you live out of the area and would still like to participate, you can purchase the raffle t-shirt here.